One month from today (Feb. 28th) is the two year anniversary of when I decided to get "serious" about playing. I launched this website, recorded some samples, took out ads on major wedding websites, and watched my calendar fill up. But there was one key component missing. I didn't have any recordings of me playing with anybody else. At first it was because I didn't have any way of recording on location. Once I got a digital recorder I had to wait for a duo wedding, which can be months apart. Over the next ~8 months, I tried not once, not twice, but FOUR times to get a workable on-site recording. The first time the batteries died. The second time the background noise was so loud you couldn't hear us. Once I thought it was recording but it wasn't (you have to hit the button twice) and the last time I left it in my car and didn't realize until it was too late.
Last saturday, I played a very snowy wedding at St. Mary's in Glens Falls with an incredible violinist, Jessica Belflower, who was gracious enough to let me record the whole thing. AND. I. DID. Because as they say, the 5th time's a charm. It took almost 2 years, but the wait is finally over. Duo samples are available Here.
To celebrate, here's the full recording of us playing Ode to Joy during the postlude. Enjoy!